/usr/lib/aliases name format

Barry Shein bzs at bu-cs.UUCP
Tue Jan 14 12:23:43 AEST 1986

>From: guy at sun.uucp (Guy Harris)
>> From: someone else
>> Our SV man page for aliases(4) says...
>1) To forestall future comments, there is no S5 man page for "aliases(4)"...

Well, it might be splitting hairs but I believe that AT&T's SYSV for
the 370 has sendmail as a standard utility (at least that's what their
brochures said.) I agree that's a 'Berkeley enhancement', but so is VI
and once AT&T puts it on a standard distribution tape...well, I am
not sure what it becomes. I suppose it is an Amdahl enhancement.
(This is the product directly from AT&T, not Amdahl tho same derivation.)

I agree, I strongly doubt this is the version in question, just thought I
would mention that this lack of sendmail in SYSV may not go on much longer
or even be completely true.

The useful point is would people *PLEASE* try to put the O/S, version,
release and machine type on queries, I have often been about to reply
with what I thought was the answer to someone's problem when the lack
of that info suddenly shook my confidence. Something like:

		System: SYSVR2V1 with V6 enhancements
		Machine: Cellular Multi-Warp 7755

And even RCS or SCCS ids if pertinent. Partial info is ok, but at least
try (I can't always figure out which Version in a SYSV is meaningful either,
we just went through that confusion on AT&T 7300s on another list.)

	-Barry Shein, Boston University

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