Daylight/Standard Time Changes

John Quarterman jsq at im4u.UUCP
Fri Jul 18 09:07:14 AEST 1986

This subject was discussed to death in mod.std.unix earlier this year.
The new U.S. DST law provides a convenient opportunity to post a
summary of that discussion and the proposal to IEEE 1003 that came out of it.
These can now be found in mod.std.unix.  They are not intended to start
the subject up again there, just to document what went before.

There is an implementation by Arthur Olsen in mod.sources.
John Quarterman, UUCP:  {gatech,harvard,ihnp4,pyramid,seismo}!ut-sally!im4u!jsq
ARPA Internet and CSNET:  jsq at im4u.UTEXAS.EDU, jsq at sally.UTEXAS.EDU

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