DELUA vs DEUNA under 4.3

John Sloan jsloan at wright.EDU
Sat Jul 19 15:11:17 AEST 1986

> Has anyone used the DELUA ethernet controller under 4.3?  I recently
> installed 4.3 BSD in the hopes that the DEUNA driver would work with
> the DEUNA.  It doesn't, at least for me.

Probably not helpful, BUT ANYWAY...

I have a VAX750 w. DEUNA running ULTRIX-32 V1.2 (which contains some 4.3
code) connected to DELNI with a buncha uVAX IIs, and the DELNI is in
turn connected to a real ethernet.

Connected, the DELNI passes all self tests, including external loopback.
Disconnected, and rebooting the machine, results in a machine check. It
will not come up at all past autoconfig. HAVE NOT tried setting DELNI to
local and trying all of this.
John Sloan                         CSNET:      jsloan at WRIGHT.EDU
Wright State University            USENET:     ...!cbosgd!wright!jsloan
Computer Science and Engineering   ARPANET:    jsloan%wright at CSNET-RELAY
Dayton, OH 45435                   DECNET LAN: wright::jsloan
(513) 873 - 2491, -2987            TCP/IP LAN: jsloan at wright

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