trouble w/sockets (UNIX domain)

Mitchell Lerner lerner at
Wed Mar 5 10:37:28 AEST 1986

The trouble is that you are using The UNIX domain.

It never really worked. Just crashed our systems and produced really 
screwy transfer rates.  I think it was just a bad idea.
They might have eather fixed it or canned it in 4.3.

Use the Internet domain by createing a service(s) in the /etc/services
file or create them in the YP (for suns 2.0+), then, If you do this 
correctly after the blind, connect, listen sequence you will have
your connection. It will behave just like a UNIX domain connection.
The kernel can tell if the destination process is actually remote 
or not, and if it isnt then the stream never goes out the Ethernet
board so you dont get any LAN overhead and it is just like Unix domain 
from that point on.

Alot more simple too because you can see the internet address that
you are using or trying to connect to. With UNIX domain you never know 
what psuedo port the kernel will use for you'r connection.

with the UNIX domain It's just too weird.

					lerner at

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