vi - Is there a ruler line function?

Ron Thompson rt at cpsc53.UUCP
Mon Mar 24 11:32:47 AEST 1986

> > Doesn't vi have this capability?  I can't find it in the documentation.
> > I do know that you can use ':#z=' (# = line no.) to bracket a line with lines
> > of minuses, but how about a real ruler?
There used to be a utility called se (screen editor) that came bundled
with AT&T Unix - it's in the old System V manual.  It did have a nice
ruler across the top of the screen.  It was the first editor I learned
because it was in the book and vi wasn't.  I just couldn't bear to use
ed on a screen, even though I did have to learn it.
  Ron Thompson		AT&T Information Systems	Customer Programming  
  (404) 982-4217        Atlanta, Georgia		Services Center	      
  ..{ihnp4,akgua}!cpsc53!rt             (Opinions expressed are mine alone.)

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