Query on TROFF.

WMORTENS%ESTEC.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.edu WMORTENS%ESTEC.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.edu
Wed Mar 5 03:54:06 AEST 1986

From: Uffe K. Mortensen, ESA. (The European Space Agency)
To: Unix wizards, gurus etc.
Subject: How can we use TROFF with other printers ?

We have ULTRIX 1.1 ( we used to have bsd 4.2 with source licence ), and
a number of matrix/laser printers available. I am writing on the behalf off
our system manager, who never managed to tackle this problem :

     How can we get TROFF to output to something other than
     a Versatec ?  Does anyone have a filter, Versatec emulator
     fonts etc, that can help up with this ?

We have just bought the DEC LN03 laser printer, but DEC (Holland) dont
know what to do either. We also have HP laser and matrix printers, but
ANY matrix printer interface would be helpful as a start, then we can
modify it to fit one of our printers.

        *** Thanks in advance for ANY help with this ***


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