Terminfo()... broken AT&T DMD entry

Larry Parmelee parmelee at bullwinkle.cs.cornell.edu
Fri May 16 23:30:43 AEST 1986

In article <1553 at ecsvax.UUCP> bet at ecsvax.UUCP (Bennett E. Todd III) writes:
>		-- PARICULARLY when AT&T then doesn't include the
>sources to the terminfo descriptions. As shipped, the description for
>the DMD5620 is noticibly broken.

Yeah, I just got done fixing that myself.  Inspires all sorts of
confidence, etc...

I've posted my fixed terminfo source for the DMD to net.sources,
	Message-Id: <2225 at bullwinkle.cs.cornell.edu>
and a cute little shell script for un-compiling terminfo entries.
Help yourself.
	-Larry Parmelee
	parmelee at systems.cs.cornell.edu

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