Last word (hopefully) on BLIT vs. windows etc.

Neville D. Newman NEVILLE%umass-cs.csnet at
Thu May 1 15:47:33 AEST 1986

> From:	CSNET%"unix-wizards-request at brl.ARPA" 30-APR-1986 13:41
> Subj:	Re:  DMD auto-repeat
> From:     Ron Natalie <ron at BRL.ARPA>
> Sorry Neville, but the AT&T provided code does provide autorepeat in
> layers.  Even when using the 4.2 verison you end up with the AT&T
> terminal emulator which is what is doing the autorepeat.  DESPITE the
> fact that we paid $20,000 for full sources, AT&T refuses to complete
> the contract by providing the code to layersys.
> -Ron

No, No, No.  This is absolutely (?) my last word on the subject -
You got it all backward.  Furthermore,  AT&T called yesterday and
admitted they had a ROM bug (or several), and will work on fixing it.


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