UNIX <-> VMS mail/news tranfers

Larry Philps larry at utecfa.UUCP
Fri May 9 05:31:01 AEST 1986

>From reading messages on the net I get the impression that software
exists out there in the world that allows UNIX mail/news to get to/from
a VMS system.   Is this true?  If so, is the software that accomplishes
this task available free?  Again if so, can someone send us a copy?
I have a friend running VMS on a uVax II who would like to exchange
mail/news with us.

Larry Philps
Engineering Computing Facility
University of Toronto
Usenet:     {linus, ihnp4, allegra, decvax, floyd}!utcsri!utecfa!larry
CSNET:      larry at Toronto
ARPA:       larry%Toronto at CSNet-Relay

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