inews/rn dbm problems; HELP!!!
Stu Heiss
stu at jpusa1.UUCP
Sun May 25 05:41:31 AEST 1986
Os sys5.1; cpu 68000.
I just brought rn up to patch level 27 and reinstalled rn/news with
dbm; I had originally installed it without. Two problems surfaced.
On long-aligned machines, bits.c blows up if DBM is defined; see the
recent discussion on article.c for reference. That was easy enough
to fix - the next one has me stumped. Inews doesn't seem to be
updating the history dbm files properly as evidenced by rn's not
handling xrefs properly. Further investigation by playing with
'article' on freshly posted articles verifies the dbm problem. I can
force a rebuild with 'expire -r' which fixes the dbm files (xref
handling works again) until more news comes in. So the code in
expire is working right but what's going on with inews? BTW, if
you don't compile bits.c (rn) with DBM defined (no reference in
the Makefile or documentation), you probably wont observe this funny
behaviour. If anybody know what's going on, please MAIL to me
at 'ihnp4!jpusa1!stu'. In the meantime, here are fixes for bits.c
on long-aligned machines and the bogus sed script in newsgroups.
Sorry about the Revision numbers...
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a09282 Fri May 23 11:50:13 1986
--- /tmp/,RCSt2a09282 Fri May 23 11:50:45 1986
*** 1,4
! /* $Header: bits.c,v 1.1 86/05/23 11:02:09 stu Exp $
* $Log: bits.c,v $
* Revision 1.1 86/05/23 11:02:09 stu
--- 1,4 -----
! /* $Header: bits.c,v 1.2 86/05/23 11:18:30 stu Exp $
* $Log: bits.c,v $
* Revision 1.2 86/05/23 11:18:30 stu
*** 1,6
/* $Header: bits.c,v 1.1 86/05/23 11:02:09 stu Exp $
* $Log: bits.c,v $
* Revision 1.1 86/05/23 11:02:09 stu
* Initial revision
--- 1,12 -----
/* $Header: bits.c,v 1.2 86/05/23 11:18:30 stu Exp $
* $Log: bits.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.2 86/05/23 11:18:30 stu
+ * dbm/fseek fix
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 86/05/23 11:13:30 stu
+ * dbm/fseek fix
+ *
* Revision 1.1 86/05/23 11:02:09 stu
* Initial revision
*** 9,14
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "rcstuff.h"
--- 15,21 -----
+ #define bcopy(a,b,c) blt(b,a,c)
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "rcstuff.h"
*** 305,310
register char *idp;
char *ident_buf;
static FILE * hist_file = Nullfp;
if (
--- 312,318 -----
register char *idp;
char *ident_buf;
static FILE * hist_file = Nullfp;
+ long offset;
if (
*** 350,356
rhs = fetch(lhs); /* fetch the record */
if (rhs.dptr == NULL) /* if null, nothing there */
goto wild_goose;
! fseek (hist_file, *((long *)rhs.dptr), 0);
/* datum returned is position in hist file */
fgets (xref_buf, BUFSIZ, hist_file);
--- 358,365 -----
rhs = fetch(lhs); /* fetch the record */
if (rhs.dptr == NULL) /* if null, nothing there */
goto wild_goose;
! bcopy(rhs.dptr, (char *)&offset, sizeof(long));
! fseek (hist_file, offset, 0);
/* datum returned is position in hist file */
fgets (xref_buf, BUFSIZ, hist_file);
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a09273 Fri May 23 11:49:10 1986
--- /tmp/,RCSt2a09273 Fri May 23 11:49:21 1986
*** 1,5
: use /bin/sh
! # $Header: newsgroups,v 1.1 86/05/22 22:42:30 stu Exp $
# $Log: newsgroups,v $
# Revision 1.1 86/05/22 22:42:30 stu
--- 1,5 -----
: use /bin/sh
! # $Header: newsgroups,v 1.2 86/05/22 23:00:39 stu Exp $
# $Log: newsgroups,v $
# Revision 1.2 86/05/22 23:00:39 stu
*** 2,7
# $Header: newsgroups,v 1.1 86/05/22 22:42:30 stu Exp $
# $Log: newsgroups,v $
# Revision 1.1 86/05/22 22:42:30 stu
# Initial revision
--- 2,10 -----
# $Header: newsgroups,v 1.2 86/05/22 23:00:39 stu Exp $
# $Log: newsgroups,v $
+ # Revision 1.2 86/05/22 23:00:39 stu
+ # fix bad sed script
+ #
# Revision 1.1 86/05/22 22:42:30 stu
# Initial revision
*** 17,23
: You might want to change pager to a "make column" program if you have one.
: On the other hand, if your kernel does paging, cat would probably do.
! pager="/usr/local/bin/less"
: End of system dependencies, hopefully
--- 20,27 -----
: You might want to change pager to a "make column" program if you have one.
: On the other hand, if your kernel does paging, cat would probably do.
! #pager="/usr/local/bin/less"
! pager="/bin/pr -2 -t -r"
: End of system dependencies, hopefully
*** 54,59
/bin/echo ""
/bin/echo "Unsubscribed but mentioned in .newsrc:"
/bin/sed < $dotdir/.newsrc \
! -e "/$1.*!/"'s/^\([^!]*\)!.*$/\1/p' \
! -e 'd' | \
/bin/sort | $pager
--- 58,67 -----
/bin/echo ""
/bin/echo "Unsubscribed but mentioned in .newsrc:"
/bin/sed < $dotdir/.newsrc \
! -e "/$1.*!.*/b x" \
! -e 'd' \
! -e ":x" \
! -e "/$1.*!/"'s/^\([^!]*\)!.*$/\1/p' | \
/bin/sort | $pager
exit 0
### doesnt work...
*** 57,59
-e "/$1.*!/"'s/^\([^!]*\)!.*$/\1/p' \
-e 'd' | \
/bin/sort | $pager
--- 63,71 -----
-e ":x" \
-e "/$1.*!/"'s/^\([^!]*\)!.*$/\1/p' | \
/bin/sort | $pager
+ exit 0
+ ### doesnt work...
+ #/bin/sed < $dotdir/.newsrc \
+ # -e "/$1.*!/"'s/^\([^!]*\)!.*$/\1/p' \
+ # -e 'd' | \
+ #/bin/sort | $pager
Stu Heiss {ihnp4!jpusa1!stu}
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