Sendmail-SMTP problem

doug at uwmcsd1.UUCP doug at uwmcsd1.UUCP
Sat Nov 22 08:22:02 AEST 1986

   We have been experiencing problems with sendmail when speaking SMTP 
to some sites on the Internet. Symptoms of the problem are
as follows: Our sendmail connects to the site to attempt to deliver
the mail message, it then sends the To, From and Data messages and
recieves acknowledgement for each. It then sends the Terminate
message but, times out waiting for a reply. Sendmail gives a
'read reply' error and puts the message back in the mailq. This occurs 
everytime it attempts to send the message and, we only experience this problem
when talking to certain sites. From what I have heard from people
on the recieving end they also get a timeout error and in some cases
the recipient gets an empty message everytime sendmail attempts to 
send the mail message (which tends to get rather annoying). 

   We are running 4.2BSD Unix on an ISI68000. Has anyone else experienced
this problem or know of a solution? 

Doug Tiarks
UW-Milwaukee Computing Services Div.
ARPA: doug at
UUCP: {ihnp4, uwvax, uwmacc}!uwmcsd1!doug

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