Generic Problems with Ultrix/BSD dump/restore

H. Munster dave at murphy.UUCP
Thu Nov 20 23:53:23 AEST 1986

I've had the exact same problem with Sun 3.0.  So, it's not specific to
Ultrix; I'll bet that all BSD4.2-based systems have the same problem. 
Trouble is, I can never duplicate it when I want to show it to somebody. 
(Sun-3.0 on a 3/160C using a 9-track on another machine (Gould PN9080)
via Ethernet.  The partition restored to had somewhat fewer inodes than
the partition that the dump was made from; I don't know if that's

It's been said by many a wise philosopher that when you die and your soul
goes to its final resting place, it has to make a connection in Atlanta.

Dave Cornutt, Gould Computer Systems, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
UUCP:  ...{sun,pur-ee,brl-bmd}!gould!dcornutt
 or ...!ucf-cs!novavax!houligan!dcornutt
ARPA: wait a minute, I've almost got it...

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