Wanted: uucp protocol description

Ed Savage savage at pedsgo.UUCP
Fri Oct 10 00:46:09 AEST 1986

>Does anyone have a document describing the uucp protocol?  Or a pointer
>to a journal or article that details it?  I am toying with the idea of
>writing a rudimentry uucp for MSDOS (yes, I know about the uulink package)
>and want to get a handle on the scope of the project.  Any help would be
>greatly appreciated.
>Ben Broder
>{ihnp4,decvax} !hjuxa!catnip!ben

	I too would like any information on the uucp protocol.  I would
also like to write a uucp like utility for my Amiga.  Any information that
one may have would be appreciated.

					Ed Savage

|		     Edward G. Savage -=- Long Live AMIGA!!		     |
|									     |
| Disclaimers: The above opinions may or may not represent those of my work. |
| Arpa:   petsd!pedsgd!savage at topaz.rutgers.edu				     |
| Uucp:   ...{pesnta|prcrs|princeton|topaz|hjuxa|vax135}!petsd!pedsgd!savage |
| USnail: Concurrent Computer Corporation (a Perkin-Elmer Company)	     |
| 	  M/S 305, 106 Apple St., Tinton Falls, NJ  07724		     |
| Phone:  (201) 758-7345 (work)						     |

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