Setuid and setgid on at/cron/lp

Brandon Allbery allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Fri Oct 24 05:07:38 AEST 1986


Quoted from <1040 at ho95e.UUCP> ["Re: Which commands (in /bin & /usr/bin) must have set user ID (for root)"], by wcs at ho95e.UUCP (#Bill.Stewart)...
| In article <735 at hropus.UUCP> jrw at hropus.UUCP (Jim Webb) writes:
| >-rwsr-xr-x   1 root     sys        47197 Oct 20  1985 at
| >-rwsr-xr-x   1 root     sys        25093 Nov  5  1983 crontab
| >at needs to talk to cron in a very specific manner.
| I would expect you could write a good cron without setuid, since /etc/cron runs
| as root?  Likewise "at", since it's the other side of cron?

Both "crontab" and "at" work in the same way:

(1) write a file in a protected directory (to keep non-superusers from doing
fun things like changing other users' at files or setting up crontabs/at jobs
when they're listed in {cron,at}.deny), and
(2) write something to /usr/spool/cron/FIFO, which is protected for the same
reasons as above.  (I wish I'd thought of that way of doing things; it makes
sense.  20/20 hindsight, eh?)

| What irks me more, though, is that the "lp" commands all run setuid-lp
| setgid-bin; this means that in a directory which lp can't access ( e.g. 700),
| 	lp foo
| fails, though
| 	lp <foo
| is ok.

It *might* be possible to run "lp" setgid only -- but that might not help
you.  (Although it would take strange circumstances to do that.)  But "lp"
revolves around a few special files in /usr/spool/lp and ordinary users
shouldn't be allowed to muck with them; even if they know what they're doing,
mucking with /usr/spool/lp/outputq while lpsched is running is a good way
to trash the print queue.

  ---------------- /--/	Brandon S. Allbery		UUCP: decvax!cwruecmp!
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