setenv problem in C-shell

Jerry Peek jerryp at tektools.UUCP
Wed Sep 3 00:36:34 AEST 1986

[Doesn't this belong in net.unix -- instead of unix-wizards?]

In article <3454 at brl-smoke.ARPA> DU>@brl-smoke.ARPA writes:
> You're probably going to hear this a lot...

and this is probably the 200th article that'll be posted, but I hate to see
errors posted to the net without corrections...

> You should do:
> set noglob; eval `tset ... `

Not just that!  Don't forget to do "unset noglob" -- otherwise, the shell
won't expand filename wildcard characters afterwards.  Do this:

	set noglob; eval `tset ...`; unset noglob

(The wildcard characters, by the way, are almost certainly what's causing
your problem.  The "tset" command is probably spitting out * or ? or [ ]
characters, which expand into filenames, which screw up the contents of
the TERM or TERMCAP enviornment variables... and make them too long.)

--Jerry Peek, Tektronix, Inc.
US Mail:    MS 74-900, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077
uucp:       {allegra,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,ucbvax}!tektronix!tektools!jerryp
CS,ARPAnet: jerryp%tektools at tektronix.csnet
Phone:      +1 503 627-1603

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