magtape device naming conventions

William Sommerfeld wesommer at mit-trillian.MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 17 03:14:28 AEST 1986

In article <355 at sputnik.fluke.UUCP> norm at fluke.UUCP (Norm Seethoff) writes:
>We are wrestling with a common magtape device naming scheme which can be
>used across all of our UN*X systems, independent of vendor.  It seems clear
>that we need to retain the /dev/{mt mt0 mt4 mt8 mt12 rmt*} conventions
>for compatibility with existing software.  What we would like to do,
>however, is create a parallel naming convention which would even make
>sense to novice users.
>                                   Rewind On Close   No Rewind On Close
>              1600  bpi buffered   /dev/mt1600       /dev/nmt1600
>              1600  bpi raw        /dev/rmt1600      /dev/nrmt1600
>              6250  bpi buffered   /dev/mt6250       /dev/nmt6250
>              6250  bpi raw        /dev/rmt6250      /dev/nrmt6250

We have it set up *exactly* this way on our timesharing systems, and
have found it to be quite convenient.

					- Bill

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