Help converting to BSD

Ronald O. Christian ronc at fai.UUCP
Thu Sep 4 11:09:26 AEST 1986

I have a problem:  We've been running system V on a Vax 780
for over a year.  There's about 300 Mbytes of user space
accumulated in that time.  (Various utilities, applications,
and the usual junk.)  We want to convert to BSD.  I have
BSD installed on a spare disk pack, but am now faced with
the problem of bringing all the user stuff over.  It's a
problem because I can't see where there is a common backup
utility shared between Sys V and BSD.  (Except tar, which
is impractical for large amounts of data.)  Sys V has 'volcopy'
and 'cpio' which aren't supported by BSD 4.2 and Berkeley has
'dump' which isn't supported on Sys V.  I even entertained
the idea of using 'dd' but the file systems are not compatable.
Sigh.  Any ideas?  (Mail please, I'm a little behind in my

		Ronald O. Christian (Fujitsu America Inc., San Jose, Calif.)
		seismo!amdahl!fai!ronc  -or-   ihnp4!pesnta!fai!ronc

Oliver's law of assumed responsibility:
	"If you are seen fixing it, you will be blamed for breaking it."

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