job control Bourne Shell.

Richard Mathews lcc.richard at LOCUS.UCLA.EDU
Thu Jan 15 04:53:37 AEST 1987

I believe that someone said about a year and a half ago that they had a
version of the System V Bourne Shell with lots of bug fixes and with BSD
job control added.  Where can I get this?  Do I need anything besides a
System V license?  I intend to use it for private use, but would be
interested in knowing about its availability for commercial use.

As an aside, I remember that one of the bug fixes which was included in
this shell was the one that Brian Horn and I posted some time back.  I now
have a fix for the fix.  The original fix allowed the "<> file" syntax to
work (open for read/write).  The new fix prevents "rsh" (restricted shell)
users from using this form of redirection (since they can't use "> file"
either).  The diff from the original System V version of service.c to our
current version is:

*** 73,78
					failed(ion, badfile);
					fd = dup(fd);
			else if ((iof & IOPUT) == 0)
				fd = chkopen(ion);

--- 74,85 -----
					failed(ion, badfile);
					fd = dup(fd);
+			}
+			else if (iof & IORDW) {
+				if (flags & rshflg)
+					failed(ion, restricted);
+				else if ((fd = open(ion, 2)) < 0)
+					failed(ion, badopen);
			else if ((iof & IOPUT) == 0)
				fd = chkopen(ion);

Richard M. Mathews
Locus Computing Corporation		       lcc.richard at LOCUS.UCLA.EDU
					       lcc.richard at UCLA-CS

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