Real time OSs

Anthony Alles anthony at swanee.OZ
Fri Jan 9 12:05:12 AEST 1987

I'm surveying various OSs to determine their suitability for real
time control of a telecommunications system, currently under 
development at the University of Western Australia. Specifically,
I need to know about such things as the interaction beteween the 
priority structure and the tasking routines (multitasking OSs),
locking of modules into (core) memory, interprocess  communication
facilities etc. 

I'm looking at such OSs as UNIX, OS-9, Concurrent DOS, iRMX86 and VRTX.
I'm specially interested in UNIX/68000 - is it real time and if not, why 
not ( I can't find any documentation on this ), any add-ons which might
make it real time (eg. VxWorks) , and so on.

If anyone can supply me with details on any of these or similar 
microprocessor OSs, please contact me at the addresses give below.

Address :   	Anthony Alles
		The Networking Group
		Department of Electrical & Electronic Eng.
		University of Western Australia
		Mounts Bay Road, Crawley 6009

		(09) 380 3110

ARPA :		anthony%swanee.oz at

UUCP :		...!{seismo,mcvax,ucb_vision,uks}!munnari!swanee.oz!anthony

Thanks: Anthony.

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