Digestify command

drears at ardec.arpa drears at ardec.arpa
Fri Jan 30 04:18:14 AEST 1987


-> = Jim Mccoy

->There is a command under MSG on ULTRIX v1.2 called "Undigestify".  

     msg is part of the mmdf (multi-device memo distribution
facility) system.  It is a not part of ULTRIK but something we obtained
from BRL.  It is not the standard mail system. msg is the user interface 
of mmdf to allow people to read mail. 

->Undigestify works nicely to undigest such things as the unix-wizards digest.
->Problem: I can find no corresponding command "Digestify".  Obviously, I can
->horse around and get a bunch of messages into a file and delete the lines with
->"ctrl a" and insert a string of thirty hyphens between messages, but that 
->seems less than elegant.
   As a quick and dirty solution try the following.

  1) In the msg program use the put option to put these into a file.
  2) Using a text editor do a global replace on the CTRL A
     In VI  do  ->  1,$s/^A^A^A^A^A/---------------/g
     then do a global search on the subject line and pipe into the
     front of the file.
  3) Send the file

  I wrote a program do digest things a while ago.  I will try to
find it and I will send to you.


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