dr11w driver

mike at BRL.ARPA mike at BRL.ARPA
Fri Jan 30 13:29:39 AEST 1987

BRL has a high-speed A/D D/A system for digital music interfaced to
a VAX-11/780 via a DR-11B.  We have drivers for both 4.2 and 4.3.
The DAC control specifics will need to be changed, but the skeleton
of the driver could be a real timesaver.  Drop me a line and I'll
E-mail you one (specify 4.2 or 4.3, not that they are much different).

This code was written by Don Merritt, based on a driver that I wrote for
the HEP Low Speed Bus, which I did as a rewrite of a driver for a Vector
General 3300 display, which I wrote from scratch.  It is public domain,
distribution unlimited.

If it maters to anybody, we will be doing a work-alike version of
this driver for our Gould running UTX 2.0 in the near future,
for the Gould ``DR-11'' interface board.
 -Mike Muuss

ArpaNet:  <Mike @ BRL.ARPA>
UUCP:     decvax!brl-smoke!mike
  Mike Muuss
  Leader, Advanced Computer Systems Team
  Systems Engineering and Concepts Analysis Division
  U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
  Attn: SLCBR-SECAD (Muuss)
  APG, MD  21005-5066

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