4.3bsd/VAX stdio: buffer overruns
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
Wed Jan 28 19:44:55 AEST 1987
Index: src/lib/libc/vax/stdio/doprnt.c
4.3 stdio on a VAX will, sometimes, grossly overrun its buffer,
scribbling on whatever happens to follow said buffer.
This is difficult to demonstrate easily, because it depends on
the output being line buffered and on what happens to follow
the output buffer in memory. But....
#include <stdio.h>
char buf[BUFSIZ+1];
/* no \n - don't want to flush the buffer */
printf("Hello world....");
Run this under adb. Examine __iob+14 immediately after the
printf and notice that the _cnt field is zero even though the
_ptr has been advanced properly.
Provided you always use printf, this problem doesn't show
itself, because _doprnt checks for _ptr > _base+_bufsiz. Where
it bites is when you mix printf() and putc() (or fputc()),
because putc() checks _cnt and assumes _ptr and _base agree
with it. Thus, it is possible to overrun _sobuf by up to
BUFSIZ-1 characters (use printf to nearly fill _sobuf, then you
can do BUFSIZ more putc()s before it will flush).
I suspect some of the code in _doprnt (see Index: line):
strout2: # enter here to force out r2; r0,r1 must be set
# do some tricks with line buffering (_IOLBF) first
movl fdesc,r3
<six lines omitted here>
movb r2,*4(r3) # line buffered and not buffer full
incl 4(r3) # and not newline
clrl (r3) # just stuff it and fix _cnt
incl nchar # count the char
I don't like the way it "fixes" _cnt. But I don't understand
this code entirely (not the assembly, I know VAX assembly, I
mean _doprnt in general), so I'm not sure what to do about it.
Perhaps the clrl should be decl?
der Mouse
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