UNIX PC upgrade to v 3.5 ?

bob at osu-eddie.UUCP bob at osu-eddie.UUCP
Tue Jan 20 09:49:03 AEST 1987


In article <119 at toylnd.UUCP> dca at toylnd.UUCP (David C. Albrecht) writes:
>Some one mentioned v3.5 for the Unix PC.  Is such a beast available?
>What is the upgrade policy, cost, etc (I'm currently running 3.0).
> ...

From: mark at gizzmo.UUCP (mark hilliard)
Newsgroups: unix-pc.general
Subject: upgrade to 3.5
Message-ID: <268 at gizzmo.UUCP>
Date: 2 Dec 86 14:46:00 GMT
Reply-To: mark at gizzmo.UUCP (mark hilliard)

Ok, here it is, all of the info that you could possibly want on the
upgrade to 3.5! 

First, call 1-800-432-6600 and press 1 and ask for the famous operator 902,
or call 1-317-352-8416 and ask for Linda Fry (alias 902). Give her your
name and address and she will mail you a form to be filled out and returned withyour master 3.0 disk, and $95.00. This will buy you 27 pounds of books,
System 5 3.5 foundation AND THE UTILITIES set!!! You MUST act before Feb 1st
or the cost goes up to $495 for each set.

                                       Mark Hilliard
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob at ohio-state.{arpa,csnet} or ...!cb{osgd,att}!osu-eddie!bob
 (614) 292 - 0915 or (614) 292 - 5813

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