UNIX as a PC file server

bob at ahxenix.UUCP bob at ahxenix.UUCP
Sun Jan 18 23:46:08 AEST 1987

In article <111 at eli.UUCP>, geller at eli.UUCP writes:
> Has anyone crafted a simple fileserver mechanism using a fairly
> generic version of UNIX and one or more PC's. I'm looking for
> something that is close to being functionally equivalent to
> Suns NFS-PCNFS environment without a LAN - using serial lines.
> This would require, I imagine, the following:
> 	* an interface and protocol between the UNIX and PC system(s)
> 	* a device driver for the PC
> 	* a few primative application programs for the PC, sharedmail,
> 	  sharedfile, etc.

COSI, in Ann Arbor, MI has a product than does what you requested.  The product
has changed names since I have last used it, but I believe the current name
is Syncrony, or something similar.  They generally advertise in Unix World
and/or Unix Review.

The product is a special terminal emulator.  It it senses that it's a DOS
command, then it's run on the PC and vice versa if it's a Unix command.
This is done transparent to the end user.  It actually makes the Unix
environment appear to be PC-DOS to the end user.

I was using it with a Burroughs XE-550 and it did appear to work fairly
well.  The only complaint that I had, was that it wasn't a fully developed
product a year ago when I did  my tests.  The main problem was that I had
to write all the scripts files to perform most functions.  Hopefully by
now, they supply a library of scripts for the common commands.

Bob Leffler  -  bob at ahxenix.REL.COM

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