4.3 BSD domain name server

eichelbe at nadc.arpa eichelbe at nadc.arpa
Mon Mar 9 13:17:58 AEST 1987

We are currently trying to use the domain name server on a 4.3 BSD system
on a VAX 11/780.  We have the standard 4.3 BSD UNIX release.

Our site is NADC (NADC.ARPA) with net address (milnet).  What
we seem to be having trouble with is setting up the /etc/named.boot
file read in by /etc/named.  Of course, we thus also have trouble with
any files that named.boot might reference.  When "named" starts we get
no errors, but we can't seem to get to sites other than milnet sites.
We have been running with a 4.1 BSD system connected to Internet, so
there's no hardware problem.

We have no local network.  Could someone please send me a named.boot file
that could serve as a template?  The BSD documents aren't too helpful.  We'll
also need anything the named.boot references.

Thank you.
		Jon Eichelberger
		eichelbe at NADC.ARPA

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