AT&T Software Development Conferences

Michael T Sullivan sullivan at vsi.UUCP
Fri Aug 26 02:19:05 AEST 1988

The current issue of _UNIX Today!_ has a listing of the AT&T/Sun Software
Development Conferences being held around the country and world this year.
Apparently they have been announced for quite a while because the New York
and, as we just found out, the Los Angeles conferences are "sold out".
Flames about this later.  Here are some dates, places, and phone numbers:

	New York	Sep 13-15	(800)247-1212 x795	SOLD OUT
	Boston		Sep 20-22	same
	Los Angeles	Sep 27-29	same			SOLD OUT
	London		Oct 25-27	same
	Chicago		Nov 29 - Dec 1	same
	San Francisco	Dec 6-8		same
	Washington DC	Dec 13-15	same

Others may be sold out too.  You'd better hurry.  It's $750 per person.

Just when and where were these announced?  We have been patiently waiting
for news about this and got nothing.  The only reason we know about this
is because of _UNIX Today!_.  In fact we were on an AT&T given tele-
conference call recently that extolled the virtues of Open Look and no
information about the conferences were given except that they were going
to be held this year.  If you are going, could you e-mail me how you found
out about this.  We've got a call into somebody at AT&T to find out who
dropped the ball (us?), but who knows how helpful that will be.

Michael Sullivan				{uunet|attmail}!vsi!sullivan
V-Systems, Inc. Santa Ana, CA			sullivan at
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of eldeberries!  Pbbbt!"

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