****New AT&T Device Driver Manuals available***

Stephen J. Friedl friedl at vsi.UUCP
Thu Aug 18 06:13:05 AEST 1988

Hi net.folks,

     AT&T has released a replacement for the old _3B2 Device
Driver Manual_, and it is really wonderful.  This two-volume
set is very well written, extremely comprehensive, and generally
pretty great.  They are for System V Release 3, and while they
include lots of info specific to the 3B2 family, I believe they
are generally helpful for other Sys V machines as well.

Combined size is about 2.5 inches, and is available from AT&T;
here is the ordering info:

    UNIX System V, Release 3 Block and Character Interface (BCI)

    307-191 Driver Development Guide (very good, 1.75" thick)
    307-192 Driver Reference Manual  (more terse but comprehensive)

     The better news is that the pricing is "low" on these
items due to what must be a bug in the system.  The pair is
a little under $8, postpaid, so I'd jump on this quickly if
I were you before the price goes up (I have *my* four sets).

     Call the AT&T Customer Information Center (CIC) at:

	USA	+1 800 432 6600
	Canada	+1 800 255 1242
	Other	+1 317 352 8556

     They take Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and probably a company
purchase order if it's over some amount ($50, I think).  Service
is via U.S. Mail and is a little under 2 weeks.

     Note: these are still first draft, and they plan on adding
new parts (SCSI, etc.) later, but this draft is very good.  Go
for it.


P.S. - These would make great Christmas gifts to that little
       UNIX wizard in your life :-)
Steve Friedl    V-Systems, Inc.  +1 714 545 6442    3B2-kind-of-guy
friedl at vsi.com     {backbones}!vsi.com!friedl    attmail!vsi!friedl
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