CSH Help -- I don't get it ...

Richard Caloggero rich at eddie.MIT.EDU
Sat Aug 6 06:38:30 AEST 1988

     What am I doing wrong?
I think the following script should print
'yes' three times.

set x=stuff_and_more
echo try one:
if "$x" =~ "stuff*" echo yes

echo try two:
alias x 'if "$x" =~ "stuff*" echo yes'

echo try three:
alias x 'if "$x" =~ "stuff"* echo yes'


    It only prints 'yes' once -- on try three.
I'm sure it has something to do with my
poor understanding of csh's various quoting conventions.

						-- Rich (rich at eddie.mit.edu).
	The circle is open, but unbroken.
	Merry meet, merry part,
	and merry meet again.

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