Wanted: Public domain X.25

Lee McLoughlin lmjm at doc.ic.ac.uk
Thu Aug 25 05:24:54 AEST 1988

I am trying to find a public domain implementation of X.25.  I have the first
2 levels in hardware - who doesn't these days - so I'm really in need of the
levels above that.  I already have access to public domain file transfer

I have an ancient copy of the AX.25 level-2, which I believe is part of the 
KA9Q stuff.  If anyone on arpa outside of simtel (who I don't seem to be
able to reach these days) has more of this package I would be most interested.

Please reply using email to one of the addresses below.

	Thanx in advance
	"What you once thought was only a nightmare is now a reality!"

Janet: lmjm at uk.ac.ic.doc, lmcl at uk.ac.ukc
DARPA: lmjm at doc.ic.ac.uk (or lmjm%uk.ac.ic.doc at nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk)
Uucp:  lmjm at icdoc.UUCP, ukc!icdoc!lmjm

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