Aled Morris
awm at doc.ic.ac.uk
Thu Aug 18 04:19:22 AEST 1988
Below, I have included a copy of my /etc/services file. I am trying to
build a comprehensive table of known ports, starting from "Assigned
Numbers" (the most recent version in my possession is RFC1010), and
including as many operating system quirks as is feasible. Hopefully,
the publication of this in Unix /etc/services format will encourage the
use of standard port numbers and names, and avoid future clashes (some
hope! :-)
There are no doubt a large number of holes in this (my first attempt).
Please mail me any corrections, and I will update my master copy. A
number of services have been given protocol type "new", if you know
better, please mail me. If you have already done any of this, please
mail me, I don't want to duplicate anyone's effort!
I assume that with the emergence of ISO networking standards, /etc/services
will be updated. If anyone has implemented ISO versions of any of these
services, I would be glad to include them---I expect the entry would be
something like:
finger 79/tp4 # ISO "Finger" server
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^
Aled Morris
systems programmer
mail: awm at doc.ic.ac.uk | Department of Computing
uucp: ..!ukc!icdoc!awm | Imperial College
talk: 01-589-5111x5085 | 180 Queens Gate, London SW7 2BZ
# /etc/services: Network services, Internet style
# Aled Morris (awm at doc.ic.ac.uk), 15th Aug, 1988
# See RFC1010 "Assigned Numbers" (issued May, 1987) for details.
# Operating systems consulted were:
# 4.3BSD, 4.2BSD, SunOS 4.0_Export, Gould UTX/32 2.1a, HP-UX 6.0,
# Dynix 3.0.8
# Notes:
# RJE (5) all implementations used port 77
# LOGIN (49) all implementations use port 513
# MTP (57) the only private terminal access protocol I could find
# PRINTER (35) all implementations use port 515
# PORTMAP (111) is the name used by HP-UX for SUNRPC
# LINK (245) many 4.2 derived systems use the name for port 87
# unknown protocols are marked "new"
# ---- ---- -------- ------- --------
# reserved 0
# unassigned 1-4
# rje 5 # remote job entry
echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/tcp sink null
discard 9/udp sink null
systat 11/tcp users
daytime 13/udp
daytime 13/tcp
netstat 15/tcp # unassigned in RFC1010
qotd 17/tcp quote # Quote of the Day
chargen 19/tcp ttytst source # Character Generator
chargen 19/udp ttytst source
ftp-data 20/tcp ftpdata
ftp 21/tcp
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp mail
nsw-fe 27/new # NSW User System FE
msg-icp 29/new # MSG ICP
msg-auth 31/new # MSG Authentication
dsp 33/new # Display Support Protocol
# 35/new # any private printer server
time 37/tcp timserver
time 37/udp timserver
rlp 39/new resource # Resource Location Protocol
graphics 41/new # Graphics
name 42/udp nameserver
whois 43/tcp nicname # usually to sri-nic
mpm-flags 44/new # MPM FLAGS Protocol
mpm 45/new # Message Processing Module
mpm-snd 46/new # MPM [default send]
ni-ftp 47/new # NI FTP
#login 49/new # Login Host Protocol
la-maint 51/new # IMP Logical Address Maint.
domain 53/udp
domain 53/tcp
isi-gl 55/new # ISI Graphics Language
mtp 57/tcp # any private terminal access
# 59/new # any private file service
ni-mail 61/new # NI MAIL
via-ftp 63/new # VIA Systems - FTP
tacacs-ds 65/new # TACACS-Database Service
bootps 67/new # Bootstrap Protocol Server
bootpc 68/new # Bootstrap Protocol Client
tftp 69/udp
netrjs-1 71/new # Remote Job Service
netrjs-2 72/new # Remote Job Service
netrjs-3 73/new # Remote Job Service
netrjs-4 74/new # Remote Job Service
# 75/new # any private dial out service
rje 77/tcp netrjs # any private RJE service
finger 79/tcp # Finger
hosts2-ns 81/new # HOSTS2 Name Server
mit-ml-dev 83/new # MIT ML Device
mit-ml-dev 85/new # MIT ML Device
link 87/tcp ttylink # any private terminal link
su-mit-tg 89/new # SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
mit-dov 91/new # MIT Dover Spooler
dcp 93/new # Device Control Protocol
supdup 95/tcp # SUPDUP
hostnames 101/tcp hostname # usually to sri-nic
iso-tsap 102/tcp # ISO-TSAP
x400 103/tcp # ISO Mail (X.400)
x400-snd 104/tcp # X.400-SND
csnet-ns 105/tcp # Mailbox Name Nameserver
rtelnet 107/new # Remote Telnet Service
pop-2 109/tcp pop postoffice # Post Office Protocol (rev.2)
sunrpc 111/udp portmap # SUN Remote Procedure Call
sunrpc 111/tcp portmap
auth 113/new # Authentication Service
sftp 115/new # Simple File Transfer Protocol
uucp-path 117/tcp # UUCP Path Service
nntp 119/tcp usenet untp # Network News Transfer
erpc 121/new # HYDRA Expedited RPC
ntp 123/tcp # Network Time Protocol
locus-map 125/new # Locus PC-Interface Net Map
locus-con 127/new # Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
pwdgen 129/new # Password Generator Protocol
cisco-fna 130/new # CISCO FNATIVE
cisco-tna 131/new # CISCO TNATIVE
cisco-sys 132/new # CISCO SYSMAINT
statsrv 133/new # Statistics Service
ingres-net 134/new # INGRES-NET Service
loc-srv 135/new # Location Service
profile 136/new # PROFILE Naming System
netbios-ns 137/new # NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm 138/new # NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn 139/new # NETBIOS Session Service
emfis-data 140/new # EMFIS Data Service
emfis-cntl 141/new # EMFIS Control Service
bl-idm 142/new # Britton-Lee IDM
NeWS 144/tcp news # Window System
sur-meas 243/new # Survey Measurement
#link 245/new # LINK
# unassigned 143-159
# reserved 160-223
# unassigned 224-241
# unassigned 247-255
# KIP AppleTalk interface
# official numbers as of April, 1988
at-rmtp 201/udp # AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
at-nbp 202/udp # AppleTalk Name Binding
#at-3 203/udp # AppleTalk unused
at-echo 204/udp # AppleTalk Echo
#at-5 205/udp # AppleTalk unused
at-zis 206/udp # AppleTalk Zone Information
#at-7 207/udp # AppleTalk Unused
#at-8 208/udp # AppleTalk Unused
# Unofficial port assignments.
exec 512/tcp
biff 512/udp comsat
login 513/tcp
who 513/udp whod
shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used
syslog 514/udp
printer 515/tcp spooler # experimental
talk 517/udp # old talk (bsd4.2, utx2.0)
ntalk 518/udp # new talk (bsd4.3, utx3.0)
efs 520/tcp # for LucasFilm
route 520/udp router routed
search 525/tcp searchd # inter-machine search
timed 525/udp timeserver
tempo 526/tcp newdate
courier 530/tcp rpc # experimental
conference 531/tcp chat
netnews 532/tcp readnews
netwall 533/udp # -for emergency broadcasts
uucp 540/tcp uucpd # uucp daemon
new-rwho 550/udp new-who # experimental
remotefs 556/tcp rfs_server rfs # Brunhoff remote filesystem
rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord # experimental
monitor 561/udp # experimental
rlb 1260/tcp # HP-UX
ingreslock 1524/tcp
nft 1536/tcp # HP-UX
nfsd 2049/udp # HP-UX NFS implementation
rfa 4672/tcp # HP-UX Remote File Access
man 9535/tcp # remote manual server
rman 9535/udp # more of same
# the end
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