Plan 9? (+ others)

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.ARPA
Fri Aug 26 02:29:39 AEST 1988

In article <583 at unisv.UUCP> vanpelt at unisv.UUCP (Mike Van Pelt) writes:
-In article <10533 at> smb at (Steven Bellovin) writes:
->``Plan 9'' ... is research ...  The developers started from
->several basic assumptions: ... that an intelligent user interface
->(complete with dot-mapped display and mouse) is a Right Decision;
-I certainly hope (well, actually, from what I know about the people
-involved, I'm reasonably confident) that if they must design a
-system that is "user (*bletch*) friendly", they make it one which
-does not cripple the person who (a) knows what they're doing and
-(b) is not stricken with nameless dread at the sight of a "%" prompt.

Steve did not say "user friendly", meaning mindless-user friendly,
as in the typical Macintosh interface.  Have you used the Blit-style
interface?  It beats the hell out of ordinary dumb CRTs.

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