Ethernet unjammed ( was Re: "ie0: Ethernet jammed" on a Sun 4/110)

Tony Nardo trn at
Thu Aug 18 00:39:00 AEST 1988

Thanks for all the replies!

It turns out the problem was that the multiplexer box was drawing less than
30 milliamps.  We inserted jumper J1800, and the Sun-4 now communicates
quite well with the outside world.

Turns out the problem was described in one of the Sun's "Read This First"
manuals.  Too bad there were *several* manuals bearing this banner...

Again, thanks for the pointers to the HW "Read This First" manual.
ARPA: at warper	   \
        nardo%str.decnet at  }  one of these should work
UUCP:	{backbone!}aplvax!warper!trn	   /
USnail: c/o Johns Hopkins University/APL, Room 7-53
	Johns Hopkins Road
	Laurel, Md. 20707

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