Cshell Anomaly

Martin Foord martin at mqcomp.oz
Fri Dec 2 09:37:36 AEST 1988

How does one get an asterisk '*' in a csh variable ?   I've been trying for
a long time to figure this one out but can't achieve it ?  What about if
you're reading chars in from a file into csh variables and one of them is a
'*' it doesn't appear into the csh variable at all !

Martin Foord              ACSnet,Ean,CSnet: martin at mqcomp.mq.oz
Computing Discipline      Arpa:  martin%mqcomp.mq.oz at UUNET.UU.NET
Macquarie University 2109 Janet: martin%mqcomp.mq.oz at UK.AC.UKC
Australia                 UUCP:  {uunet,mcvax}!munnari!mqcomp.mq.oz!martin

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