Autologout of unused terminals

Bernard Bediako ugbernie at sunybcs.uucp
Sat Dec 10 03:39:30 AEST 1988

	What if once the TIMEOUT or autologout value is reached, a call is 
made to make the user retype in his passwd instead of logging him/her out.
Once we gets to this point it could either wait forever or until another
predetermined amount of time.  If the passwd is wrong, log the user out.
This might at least stop other people from happening along & doing rm *.* :-)

Bernard Bediako                           SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science
UUCP:          	  ..!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!ugbernie
Internet: ugbernie at cs.Buffalo.EDU         BITNET: ugbernie at sunybcs.BITNET

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