Use of select in NeWS.

William Sommerfeld wesommer at
Thu Feb 25 01:18:51 AEST 1988

In article <1376 at vaxb.calgary.UUCP> radford at calgary.UUCP (Radford Neal) writes:
>The above code will break horribly if UNIX is ever extended to
>allow more than 32 file descriptors.

It already has been; 4.3BSD has extended select in just the manner you

This was dealt with for X a long time ago; evidently the Sun people
don't consider the 4.3 enhancements worth it..

main(){printf("%d\n",getdtablesize());} prints 64 on my system, and it
can be configured higher than this.

Perhaps they weren't _that_ concerned with portability, or else they
wanted to make sure than NeWS ran better on their hardware than on
anything else (so everyone buys their hardware to get the best

					- Bill

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