AT&T/Sun merged UNIX

terryl at tekcrl.TEK.COM terryl at tekcrl.TEK.COM
Thu Feb 4 04:23:08 AEST 1988

In article <3991 at hoptoad.uucp> gnu at hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) writes:
> Delete MANY lines about Sun/ATT merger, and UNIX's future, most of which I
> heartily agree with....
>I heard that DEC got Tektronix out of the workstation market by 
>threatening to stop buying Tek graphics terminals -- DEC was their
>biggest customer.  Maybe the 15 whiners should threaten to switch to
>MCI for phone service :-) and see if AT&T responds.

     Whoa, there, Mr. Gilmore. Not entirely true, but almost just true enough
that I'll let it slide. There was some DEC influence, but I'd have to say it
was VERY MINOR. There were MANY more reasons, which unfortunately I can't
divulge do to impropriety, etc. But to say DEC got Tektronix out of the work-
station business is stretching it, just a tad.

				Terry Laskodi
				Tektronix, Inc.

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