Usenet Security

Rob Robertson rob at philabs.Philips.Com
Sat Feb 27 08:57:35 AEST 1988

In article <15477 at> csg at pyramid.UUCP (Carl S. Gutekunst) writes:
>The security features of BNU/HDB are *THE* selling point, in my opinion. The
>4.3BSD UUCP is nearly the equal of HDB in many repects, and the newest version
>will be superior in many. But when it comes to security, HDB reigns surpreme
>and will for the forseeable future. Any site that plans to use UUCP and wants
>to be secure should be running HDB. 

older versions of HDB have a hole whereby clever hackers CAN manage to
get a shell.


				william robertson
				rob at

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