Shared Memory in BSD4.3 is lacking?

Roland McGrath rk9005 at
Sun Feb 21 09:29:14 AEST 1988

["Shared Memory in BSD4.3 is lacking?"] - chris at (Chris Torek):
} implemented.  It is likely to be in `4.4', which is not what the
} next release is going to be.  (Thoroughly confused yet?)

Okay, I'll give.  What *will* the next release be??????
Yes, thank you, I am now thoroughly confused; I guess that's
what you wizard/guru types do for fun when you're not describing
the universe to us all.
Dick Karpinski  Manager of Unix Services, UCSF Computer Center
UUCP:  ...!ucbvax!ucsfcgl!cca.ucsf!dick        (415) 476-4529 (11-7)
BITNET:  dick at ucsfcca or dick at ucsfvm           Compuserve: 70215,1277  
USPS:  U-76 UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94143-0704   Telemail: RKarpinski   

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