Terminal emulators for cu (me too)

Marcos R. Della mdella at polyslo.UUCP
Tue Feb 23 16:21:56 AEST 1988

In article <24 at dcs.UUCP> wnp at dcs.UUCP (Wolf N. Paul) writes:
]In article <1277 at polyslo.UUCP> mdella at polyslo.UUCP (Marcos Della) writes:
]>Is there any way to get the termcap system to work on incoming as well as
]>outgoing translations. That is, take the characters going in, convert them
]>to the termcap representation then back to the terminal on which you are
]>This is becoming a problem as now I also need to emulate an IBM 3101 terminal 
]>(is that the right number?)
]As long as you are using cu to access another UNIX system, all you should have
]to do is set your terminal type on the remote UNIX to the type of your local
]terminal, and you won't need to do any converting.

The pproblem that I am facing is that the computer that I am calling is a DEC
machine that is running some strange operating system that I have NO ideas
on how to get around. The operators up there assured me that they cannot change
the modem ports just for little ole me and that the terminal interfacing roblem
was mine to deal with... Oh well...

Any more ideas?

..!csustan ->!polyslo!mdella    | mdella at polyslo | Whatever I said doesn't
..!sdsu ---/   Marcos R. Della  | (805) 543-0135 | mean diddly as I forgot
..!csun --/    225 N. Chorro St                 / it even before finishing
..!dmsd -/     San Luis Obispo, CA 93401       / typing it all out!!! :-)

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