cgrep (context-grep)

james bush jbush at ficc.UUCP
Tue Jul 19 00:51:07 AEST 1988

In article <4435 at fluke.COM>, inc at tc.fluke.COM (Gary Benson) writes:
| arensb at (Andrew Arensburger) writes:
| "	I'm thinking of writing a utility called cgrep, which works just
| "like grep, but instead of writing out just the line on which the pattern
| "was found, would write out a couple of lines surrounding the line in
| "question.
| "	Has anyone implemented this, or am I going to have to write it?
| Write it! ...

I have such a utility, although it has some problems:
1. It is written in AWK, and is therefore slow.
2. It may die on some applications.
3. It seems always to print at least one preceeding line. 
However, you are welcome to it if you want. I am not sure of where
it should be posted. 
James Bush, Ferranti, Houston              The Bible - the "source code" of life
Internal address: jbush  extension 5230, mail stop A/3204, room A/3602
External address: ..!uunet!nuchat!sugar!ficc!jbush

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