Swapper question.

Frank Mayhar fmayhar at killer.DALLAS.TX.US
Mon Jul 18 12:25:07 AEST 1988

In article <3977 at rpp386.UUCP> jfh at rpp386.UUCP (The Beach Bum) writes:
>In article <2688 at homxc.UUCP> dwc at homxc.UUCP (Malaclypse the Elder) writes:
>>In article <4787 at killer.UUCP>, fmayhar at killer.UUCP (Frank Mayhar) writes:
>>> I have a question, related to our development work on a 68020-based SVR2 system:
>>> Why does swapper rack up so much CPU?
>>                    what may be happening is that the system may
>>at some time in the past have been swapping.
>nope.  this has precious little to do with what is actually happening.
>[description of Unix idle time accounting omitted]
>John F. Haugh II

Hmmmmm.  VERy interesting.  Considering this project is for a very sensitive 
customer, it looks like it's time to hack the source.  (Fortunately we have 
that option.)

On a more general note:  Many, many thanks to those that responded to my 
question.  I'm glad to learn that my concern was groundless.  (And I get to
learn a little more about the Unix kernel, which is always nice.)

Happy hacking, kernel-wise!
Frank Mayhar            UUCP: ..!{ihnp4,dj3b1}!killer!fmayhar
                        ARPA: Frank-Mayhar%ladc at BCO-MULTICS.ARPA
                        USmail: 2116 Nelson Ave. Apt A, Redondo Beach, CA  90278
                        Phone: (213) 371-3979 (home)  (213) 216-6241 (work)

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