File checker

MFHorn arosen at
Mon Jul 18 22:39:36 AEST 1988

>From article <16512 at brl-adm.ARPA>, by dsill at (Dave Sill):
> Is there a free utility that reads a file containing a list of files
> and their modes/owners/groups, compares them to the actual files, and
> either reports the inconsistencies or corrects them?  Just thought I'd
> check before I re-invent.

It's called 'cfs' (Check File Status).  You give it a list of files
to check, and it reports on changes to almost any field in the stat
struct.  It's mostly useful to see if anyone has been tampering with
system files.

The address attached to the README is rex at, Rex
Sanders.  I don't know if he supports cfs, or if he is even still
at Stanford, but you might want to send him mail.

I have no connection with cfs [other than 'I use it'], Rex Sanders
or Stanford.

Andy Rosen           | arosen at | "I got this guitar and I
ULowell, Box #3031   | ulowell!arosen          |  learned how to make it
Lowell, Ma 01854     |                         |  talk" -Thunder Road
                   RD in '88 - The way it should be

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