Input Line Editing

David Collier-Brown daveb at geac.UUCP
Tue Jul 26 00:06:56 AEST 1988

>From article <11933 at ncoast.UUCP>, by allbery at ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery):
> ???  Why not just a modified version of gets()?  If you're running under
> SVR3, you can build a new version of the shlib with the new gets() and
> thereby upgrade every program on the system without recompiling!
> -- 
> Brandon S. Allbery, uunet!marque!ncoast!allbery
> 	    For comp.sources.misc send mail to ncoast!sources-misc

   I've been avoiding this discussion up to now, but...  AARGHHHHH!

  (There, I feel much better).  

  Has anyone noticed that the facilities for composing a
fairly-arbitrary stack of facilities into a program is starting to
appear in Unix?  This is one of the big, hard and time-consuming
problems which was carefully, consciously and (I think) wisely left
out of PDP-11 Unix...

  Persons interested in the problem of "where do I put what" are
cordially invited to look at the dynamic linking facility of
Multics[1] and at its search rules hierarchy.

 --dave (see below) c-b

[1] Multics is dead.  Unix is catching up. Sorta. Multics is also a
    trademark of Honeywell-Bull, who don't make it.
 David Collier-Brown.  {mnetor yunexus utgpu}!geac!daveb
 Geac Computers Ltd.,  |  Computer science loses its
 350 Steelcase Road,   |  memory, if not its mind,
 Markham, Ontario.     |  every six months.

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