PE 3220 (v7) loses chars at input>1200bps - help!

Ali Shirnia ali at pyrltd.UUCP
Wed Mar 9 00:05:56 AEST 1988

dave at lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) writes:

>It's a Perkin-Elmer 3220 running "Edition VII Workbench"...
>It can't grok characters
>arriving at >1200 bps.  For output, it's fine; I read netnews at
>19200 and it's noticeably twice as fast as 9600.  
>I asked P-E about it once long ago (we have source, so we don't
>have software support) and was told it's a bug in the terminal

The problem is with both the terminal driver and the COMMS MUX on the
Perkin-Elmer(Concurrent) Hardware. The terminal driver routine (ttyrint) 
looks for characters in the COMMS MUX's buffer. The problem is that the 
COMMS MUX has a 1 (one) character buffer, so you gotta be real quick to get this
character off the COMMS MUX otherwise it gets overwritten by the incoming
stream of characters. The terminal driver has to be very fast.
If you want to fix the problem on ED7 you really gotta tear the driver
apart because of the size of your performance window (i.e. 1 character).

I remember loosing characters at 600 Baud.

I take it you have not upgraded to Xelos because of the address space of the
3220. This problem is cured on Xelos (as far as I can remember).

Apart from understanding and sympathy there is little I can do for you!!

Best of luck

      -m-------  Ali Shirnia     	Phone : +41 252 373035
    ---mmm-----  Pyramid Technology     Fax   : +41 252 373135
-------mmmmmmm-  			UUCP  : <england>!ukc!pyrltd!ali

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