VMS, UNIX, etc.

Eduardo Krell ekrell at hector.UUCP
Mon Mar 14 08:13:02 AEST 1988

In article <397 at lscvax.UUCP> ram at lscvax.UUCP writes:

>Perhaps if there was a
>machine that was sufficiently fast to handle Unix, I would think about
>switching my alignment, but I doubt it. Too many other problems with it
>that I see.

Is a Cray fast enough? it does run Unix. The Cray is faster than any
IBM mainframe, therefore Unix is better than VM/CMS, right? (I'm using your
own rationale).

The speed of the machine has nothing to do with whether you prefer Unix
or IBM's VM/CMS. You should be comparing an IBM mainframe running VM/CMS
with the SAME machine running Unix. And yes, you can run Unix on IBM
    Eduardo Krell                   AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ

    UUCP: {ihnp4,ucbvax}!ulysses!ekrell		ARPA: ekrell at ulysses.att.com

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