Unix on a VAXCluster ??

Haral Tsitsivas haral at unisol.UUCP
Mon Mar 7 17:45:41 AEST 1988

In article <8309 at eddie.MIT.EDU> jbs at eddie.MIT.EDU (Jeff Siegal) writes:
>In article <2359 at umd5.umd.edu> chris at trantor.umd.edu (Chris Torek) writes:
>>The next major release of Ultrix (3.0) is supposed to support
>...  I don't know if this will apply to
>Ultrix users, though, since the HSC70 somehow provides support for the
>VMS (Files-11) file system (or does/will Ultrix support mounting a F11

If I remember correctly, I saw an HSC70 running on a cluster of ULTRIX
machines at the DEC booth in Dallas (at the recent UniForum and USENIX
conferences).  This may actually be done using their GFS filesystem...

--Haral Tsitsivas
  UniSolutions Associates
  (213) 641-6739

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