Inode table full on SVR2

Peyton Yanchurak pwy at pyuxe.UUCP
Fri Mar 11 15:03:05 AEST 1988

In article <3773 at>, mikel at (Mikel Manitius) writes:
> In article <146 at thebes.Thalatta.COM>, gregoire at Thalatta.COM (Keith Gregoire) writes:
> > I am bumping heads with various stock system limits of SVR2 UNIX
> > running on a VAX 11/750.  The nasty message I would like to eliminate 
> > right now is the "Inode Table overflow" that often occurs during 
> > periods of heavy use.  Could someone please e-mail me adb patch instructions
> > for upping this parameter in the kernel?  This installation does not have 
> > a source code license.  Thanks in advance.
> You should still be able to tune the kernel if you've really got SVR2.
> Edit /etc/master.d/kernel, and change "NINODE" and "NFILE" to how many
> i-nodes you think you will need in the kernel, you can double what you
> have, or make it around 5 * NPROC (five times the maximum number of procs).
> Then do this:
> # cp /unix /unix.old
> # cd /boot
> # mkboot -k KERNEL
> # touch /etc/system

Sorry, but your procedures are for a 3B2, VAX running
System V Rel 2  (or Release 2 Version 2) have their tunable
parameters in in : /usr/src/uts/vax/cf/dfile

cd /usr/src/uts/vax/cf
  edit the dfile
config dfile
make VER=myver
cd ..
cp unixmyver /unixmyver
mv unix ounx
ln /unixmyver /unix

You can then reboot.

Some shutdown files let you place your
new unix as /nunix.  when it shutdowns it
will do the linking automaticly, look in /etc/shutdown
to be sure.

If your have the required libraries under /usr/src/uts/vax
and a C compiler you may not need the source code for the
kernel which is found under /usr/src/uts/vax/[os]|[ml]|[io].

				Peyton Yanchurak

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