Undocumented ex/vi options
D A Mercer
mercer at ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM
Wed Mar 2 04:06:37 AEST 1988
> Does anyone know what the "sourceany", "tagstack" and "timeout"
> options of ex/vi do?
timeout - ex/vi sets a one second timer upon input of special
characters (copied from curses); if all the characters are
not received within the time slice, an error is generated and
subsequent characters in a multi character sequence (such as the
cursor keys for a vt100) are clocked in as normal command characters.
For instance, cursor right (<ESC>[C) can delete characters and leave
you in input mode. Since in UNIX, a 1 second time slice is the
interval between the last 1 second interval expiration and the next,
and is thus usually less than 1 second, cursor keys are frequently
scrambled, even at 19.2. Setting notimeout prevents this, bu has
its own side effects. For instance, if you have the erase to
end of file key defined for an ADDS Viewpoint 90 (<ESC>G), trying
to exit input mode and branching to the end of the file can result
in erasing to the end of file. Two escapes have to be entered to
be sure of exitting input mode. All of this derives from ex being
single character oriented and only supporting multi character key
input as macros.
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