Pao-Po Hou hou at gondor.cs.psu.edu
Sat May 14 07:07:05 AEST 1988

The following comes from help file in our cms systems:

UREP - UNIX/RSCS Networking
At the Pennsylvania State University, a system is being developed under UNIX to
emulate the functions of IBM's  Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS)
network.   RSCS provides networking between IBM  VM/370 systems as well as with
non-VM systems  to permit  remote job  entry,  transfer  of files  and messages
between users, and the remote execution of CP (Control Program) type commands.
The PSU package permits a UNIX user  to submit jobs for remote batch execution,
transmit  files both  from and  to remote  sites,  process  mail,  and  execute
commands on remote systems with results  returned to the user's terminal.   The
system provides such  features as monitoring and control of  the actions remote
sites take and automatic re-routing of both files and messages.
Under the PSU system, a UNIX installation is considered a peer host to the RSCS
network,  not simply  a workstation.   Compatibility with the  remainder of the
network is retained while providing an environment nearly identical to the non-
networked  UNIX  environment.    For  example,   to  carry  on  an  interactive
conversation with a VM  user,  a UNIX user would use a  modified version of the
'write' program.   Remote  host and remote user names are  specified at command
execution.  The remainder of  the terminal session appears identical  to a non-
networked communication session.
UREP 3.0,   now under  development,  is  designed to  support the  NJI protocol
driver,  IBM's NETDATA (DMSDDL)  file format,  and a variety of hardware lines,
including the  DEC DMF-32  and DUP-11,   UDP/IP over  Ethernet,  and  RS-232 or
similar asynchronous lines.    Also planned is a link that  will utilize DECNET
under Ultrix.
         Department of Computer Science
         333 Whitmore Lab
         The Pennsylvania State University
         University Park, PA 16802
         (814) 865-9505
         David Eckhardt
         DAE at PSUVAX1.BITNET
         DAE at PSUVAX1.UUCP

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