Open Software Foundation

Guy Harris guy at gorodish.Sun.COM
Sun May 29 08:20:52 AEST 1988

> 	God, I just hope this desease doesn't spread to Sun!
> Perhaps it has. Pascal and Fortran have been unbundled, but that's okay,
> as nobody uses them anyway :-)

Note: the unbundling of Pascal and FORTRAN was in no way prompted by any action
on the part of AT&T.  AT&T doesn't run Sun, or dictate its software marketing
policies (except to the extent that their licenses do so).  We have no
expectation that they will do so in the future.

Sun is not a subsidiary of AT&T.  I have no expectation that Sun will become a
subsidiary of AT&T in the future, and I know of nobody within Sun who has such
an expectation.

Sun and AT&T are two separate companies, and will probably continue to be so
for the forseeable future.  Please keep that in mind.

(This wasn't aimed at you, Jim, just aimed at a lot of people with what appears
to be an unrealistic idea of what the relationship between Sun and AT&T.)

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